Integrated application of innovative water management methods at river basin by coordination of local governments


The LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project focuses on the role of municipalities and catchment level cooperations in adapting to climate change. It is not a direct continuation of the LIFE-MICACC projects, but it builds on its experience and partnerships formed there.


The LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project believes that several small, close-to-nature and relatively cheap natural water retention measures planned in a catchment will influence the water retention capability of the said territory and cooperating and planning together will enhance each NWRMs’ impact.


The two pilot catchments will test a new decision-making procedure with the professional help provided by the project partners. Aside from this, several new courses will be prepared for elementary students, college students, engineers and water management experts raising knowledge about the basic facts of natural water retention measures.


With the help of some volunteers, two visitor centers will be created presenting the pilot site’s achievements. To build up the use and awareness of NWRMs two types of small tenders will be called, one for municipalities and one for catchments.



Project Duration: 01/10/2021 – 30/09/2025

Project Partners: 7

Project Lead Partner: Ministry of Interior of Hungary

Project Budget:  3 764 915 EUR (LIFE – 2 070 703 EUR)