Strengthening cooperation between river basin management planning and flood risk prevention to enhance the status of waters of the Tisza River Basin

The JOINTISZA project will enhance the status of the waters of the Tisza River Basin. It will focus on the interactions of two key aspects of water management — river basin management (RBM) and flood protection — while taking into account the relevant stakeholders who play a pivotal role in the Tisza RBM planning process. The main aim of the project is to further improve the integration of water management and flood risk prevention planning and actions for the next RBM planning cycle, in line with the relevant EU legislation.


The JOINTISZA project will ensure that flood risk management planning becomes more deeply embedded in the RBM planning process, and will also facilitate the involvement of interested stakeholders and relevant sectors (e.g. flood risk-, water resource-, urban hydrology- and drought management).


The project will involve the joint efforts of the five countries that share the Tisza River Basin — Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The ICPDR Tisza Group and EUSDR PA4 and PA5 platforms will build a bridge between stakeholders.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary) as institute responsible for EUSDR PA4 and PA5 coordination and Ministry of Forests and Waters (Romania) co-coordinating EUSDR PA5 are project partners in JOINTISZA in order to ensure its implementation in line with EUSDR objectives.


The main output of the project will be an updated final draft of the Integrated Tisza RBM Plan, which already includes the primary aspects of the Floods Directive.




Number of partners: 17 (10 ERDF, 2 IPA and 5 ASPs)

Project Budget: 2 254 126,80 EUR

Funded by: INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme; Programme co-funded by the European Union

Project Duration: 01/01/2017 – 30/09/2019

Project Lead Partner: General Directorate of Water Management-Hungary (OVF)

Contact Person: Balázs Horváth, project manager

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