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The coordination of the Environmental Risks Priority Area (PA5) is managed by Hungary and Romania. The main focus of the work is to address the challenges of water scarcity and droughts in line with the Danube River Basin Management Plan, the report on the impacts of droughts in the Danube Basin in 2015 (due in 2016) and the ongoing work in the field of climate adaptation.


Therefore, in the past few years EUSDR PA5 contributed to the elaboration of the ICPDR Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Update 2018, supported project elaboration and implementation in the field of drought management and climate change related spatial planning, disseminate scientific results to anticipate regional and local impacts of climate change through research.


Flood risk management is also a significant target of the priority area. In order to achieve reduction of flood risk events EUSDR PA5 provides and enhance continuous support to the implementation of the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan. In case that these prevention measures are not effective enough, than disasters occur, therefore EUSDR PA5 supporting the assessment of disaster risks in the Danube Region, encouraging actions to promote disaster resilience, preparedness and response activities.


HU Coordination

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Priority Area Coordinator

RO Coordination

Ministry of Water and Forests


Priority Area Coordinator


General information about EUSDR can be found here and at the EUSDR central webpage

Water Management Flood Plain
Flood Prevention Water Enhancement
Hydrologic Data Drought Risk
Disaster Management

The coordination of the Environmental Risks Priority Area (PA5) is managed by Hungary and Romania. The main focus of the work is to address the challenges of water scarcity and droughts in line with the Danube River Basin Management Plan, the report on the impacts of droughts in the Danube Basin in 2015 (due in 2016) and the ongoing work in the field of climate adaptation.


Therefore, in the past few years EUSDR PA5 contributed to the elaboration of the ICPDR Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Update 2018, supported project elaboration and implementation in the field of drought management and climate change related spatial planning, disseminate scientific results to anticipate regional and local impacts of climate change through research.


Flood risk management is also a significant target of the priority area. In order to achieve reduction of flood risk events EUSDR PA5 provides and enhance continuous support to the implementation of the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan. In case that these prevention measures are not effective enough, than disasters occur, therefore EUSDR PA5 supporting the assessment of disaster risks in the Danube Region, encouraging actions to promote disaster resilience, preparedness and response activities.


HU Coordination

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade



Priority Area Coordinator


RO Coordination

Ministry of Water and Forests



Priority Area Coordinator


General information about EUSDR can be found here and at the EUSDR central webpage

Water Management
Flood Prevention
Hydrologic Data
Flood Plain
Water Enhancement
Drought Risk
Disaster Management

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