Drought Risk in the Danube Region

Water scarcity and droughts hit the Danube region frequently and have had large impacts on the economy and welfare of the people.


The main objective of DriDanube project is to increase the capacity of the Danube region to manage drought-related risks. Currently, the drought management is reactive, dealing mainly with losses and damages, cooperation between key actors is missing and formal legislation mostly does not exist. Proactive approach on the other hand counts on drought prevention, mitigation, vulnerability reduction, planning, and preparedness.


One of the main products of the project will be Drought User Service, which will enable more accurate and efficient drought monitoring and timely early warning. DriDanube will harmonize the currently heterogeneous methodologies for risk and impact assessments. The current slow reactions during drought will be sped up with the improved decision-making process in all parts of the drought management cycle.


DriDanube’s main expected result is improved drought emergency response and better cooperation among operational services and decision-making authorities in a Danube region on national and regional level.




Number of Partners: 23 (11 ERDF, 4 IPA, 8 ASP)

Project Budget: 1 974 750 EUR

Funded by: INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme; Programme co-funded by the European Union

Project Duration: 01/01/2017 – 30/09/2019

Project Lead Partner: Slovenian Environment Agency

Contact Person: Andreja Susnik, project manager

Contact Details: andreja.susnik@gov.si