Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – have increased their funding (EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 period) to promote cross-border and transnational cooperation as a key driver to find shared solutions to Europe’s common challenges. The new Fund for Regional Cooperation was launched on the 24th of January 2018. A total of €34.5 million has been allocated for regional cooperation. In the first call for project proposals €15 million is made available for projects.
Projects must include partners from at least 3 countries. Entities in the 15 beneficiary countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Rep., Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia from the Danube region) of the EEA and Norway Grants as lead partner in cooperation with:
- Entities in the EEA and Norway Grants beneficiary countries;
- Entities in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.
- Entities in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and entities in EU member states and international organisations may participate in the projects as expertise partners, sharing their experience and know-how.
Thus, the territorial scope of the Fund covers nearly the whole Danube region, including 12 countries (except Austria and Germany).
The call is open for the wide range of legal entities, including but not limited to municipalities, regions and state level entities, civil society organisations, social enterprises, non-profit organisations and foundations, companies and cooperatives, public and private education and research organisations, social partners, international organizations.
The Fund supports cooperation in the form of knowledge sharing, exchange of good practice and capacity building across 5 priority sectors of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. The focus of Priority Sector 3 “Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy” is related mostly to EUSDR PA5 aims.
To reduce vulnerability to climate change among others the following measures are suggested to be implemented:
- Flood and drought prevention
- Mapping and assessment of specific climate change risks and integration into relevant policies, strategies and plans
- Development of climate change-related extreme event contingency plans
- Integration of climate change-related issues into general disaster/contingency plans
- Awareness-raising activities
- Climate-proofing of infrastructure
- Development and implementation of national, regional and local strategies and action plans on adaptation and mitigation measures
In order to reach improved environmental status in ecosystems and reduced adverse effects of pollution and other human activities e.g.
- Development and implementation of action plans on threatened species and habitats and/or invasive alien species
- Exploration of the impact of climate change on marine, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
- Management and control of import, export and use of hazardous substances
- Promoting capacity development in relation to integrated planning and control
- Encouraging investments in green infrastructure
- Environmental education and awareness-raising
is supported by Priority Sector 3.
This call follows a two-step evaluation procedure. No later than 01.07.2018, applicants are invited to submit a project concept note briefly describing the project idea, project activities and outputs, the members of the project consortium and a tentative budget. Only applicants that pass the administrative and eligibility criteria will be evaluated against the selection criteria (quality assessment)Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal until 15.12.2018 and notification on selection of projects is expected at 01.03.2019.
Fund operator is Ecorys Polska. For more details contact them or visit the EEA and Norway Grants website.
Ecorys Polska:
Phone: +48 22 339 45 40