Floodplains were through the history the lively part of landscapes, where different land management was synced with the repeating flooding. With the intensification of land use, the floodplains diminished were drained, settled or even heavily polluting factories were built on them, supported by infrastructure to prevent overflooding.


In the frame of the „Reducing the flood risk through floodplain restoration along the Danube River and tributaries” (hereafter: DANUBE FLOODPLAIN) project, an online course has been developed by GWP.


The Danube Floodplain online course is the first course offered on edX by an EU Interreg project. In our case, we have the following goals:

  • to explain the whole concept of Floodplain management;
  • to show practical examples of implementation of floodplain restoration measures;
  • to support the sustainability of the tools and knowledge created in the Danube Floodplain project.


For whom is the course?

With this course, we want to address young and mid-level professionals from local, regional, or national water authorities and disaster risk reduction areas, the SMEs working in the flood, water management sector, and students –the future managers. Invited are all, who are willing to develop competencies in floodplain management.


All the information is available on the project website: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danube-floodplain/section/danube-floodplain-online-course