Preparedness for climate change related risks in Western Balkan region (PREP-R)


The planned activities of the project aim to develop a sustainable knowledge-sharing system to strengthen the preparedness activities related to climate change-related risks in the Western-Balkan region. The project targets the organizations involved in disaster response which improves the cooperation and communication between them. Volunteer firefighters have a great role in emergency response as they closely connected to the community they intend to protect. Their training is of utmost importance in order to reach better preparedness and react efficiently to climate change-related risks.


The general objective of the project is to improve the preparedness of firefighters in the Western-Balkan region (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Hercegovina).


Specific project objectives:

  • Introduce sustainable learning methods for the target group
  • Develop a training program for responding to climate change-related risks in different topics
  • Implement training of trainers method and prepare the target group for response activities



Number of Partners: None

Project Budget: 165 000 EUR

Funded by: Western Balkan Green Centre Funding (WBGC-2020/1)

Project Duration: 01/06/2020-30/06/2021

Project Lead Partner: SkillDict Adaptive eLearning & Software Solution

Contact Person: Jenő Dicse

Contact Details: