Danube River Region Resilience Exchange Network (DAREnet)



DAREnet is organized as a network of national practitioner networks, led by dedicated DAREnet National Contacts (DNC). The DNCs are building in their countries multi-disciplinary practitioner communities to collect information about innovation needs and opportunities in an ongoing dialogue. The DAREnet project will unite these national communities in an open ecosystem to foster synergies, innovation, and its uptake across the Danube Region. The network is supported by a broad range of stakeholders from policy, industry, and research.

DAREnet supports flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region to deepen and broaden their Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) related collaboration. The project is financed by the EU Horizon2020 program. DAREnet builds a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, operating in a network of civil protection organizations, and supported by a broad range of stakeholders to foster synergies, innovation, and its uptake. DAREnet presents a regularly updated RDI Roadmap highlighting promising innovation opportunities to cope with the main challenges in the region. It provides concrete perspectives for further development, industrialization, and uptake of innovations of highest relevance for practitioners, and lays the basis for concrete innovation initiatives, practitioner-driven and “bottom-up”. DAREnet draws upon synergies with the modules and facilities of the EUCPM and the regional strategies for flood prevention and risk management of the ICPDR and EUSDR.


DAREnet is organized as a network of national practitioner networks, led by dedicated DAREnet National Contacts (DNC). The DNCs are building in their countries multi-disciplinary practitioner communities to collect information about innovation needs and opportunities in an ongoing dialogue. The DAREnet project will unite these national communities in an open ecosystem to foster synergies, innovation, and its uptake across the Danube Region. The network is supported by a broad range of stakeholders from policy, industry, and research.




Number of Project Partners: 15

Project Duration: 30/09/2017 – 31/08/2022

Project budget: 3 500 000 EUR – Horizon 2020

Lead partner: THW – German Federal Agency for Technical Relie

Contact Person: Dr. Christian J. Illing, DAREnet coordinator

Contact Details: project.darenet@thw.de