Droughts can cause forest fires or food and water shortages. When it rains heavily on the dried soil, floods can occur, making shortages worse or triggering the outbreak of diseases. Risks don’t come in the singular. Protecting people, property, environment, and cultural heritage against disaster is a priority at the national and EU level. It is important for EU policymakers, decision-makers and practitioners across the Member States to come together to develop forward-looking disaster risk management pathways that assess trade-offs and synergies across sectors, hazards and scales. In this context, the EU-funded MYRIAD-EU project will inspire the introduction of a multi-risk, multi-sector, systemic approach to risk management. In addition to a web-based dashboard for navigating the framework, the project will also develop a laboratory of systemic multi-hazard risk assessment and management.
MYRIAD-EU’s mission is to catalyse a paradigm shift in how risks are currently assessed and managed. Instead of addressing risks and hazards one by one, leading scientists from across Europe will co-develop the first harmonised framework for multi-hazard, multi-sector, and systemic risk management. MYRIAD-EU is working on pilot studies in 5 different regions. These regions serve as our laboratories with a combination of unique geological and meteorological characteristics. Some study a rather small geographic area, like Veneto in Italy; others stretch across several countries, like the Danube region. Each pilot houses a range of different hazards and interrelations between them.

If you would like to request a Letter of Recommendation (project proposal) or a Letter of Merit (ongoing project) from EUSDR PA5 please read before the selection criteria and our LoR Leaflet with general information and send the filled template of the project description form to (cc: ) and to addressing the Priority Area coordinators.