DAREFFORT PROJECT PREPARATORY WORKSHOP WAS HELD IN BUDAPEST DAREFFORT project preparatory workshop The revised „DAREFFORT – Danube River basin Enhanced Flood FORecasting cooperaTion” (title is yet subject of discussion)
Danube Sediment project is already in the main current
DANUBE SEDIMENT PROJECT IS ALREADY IN THE MAIN CURRENT In the Danube Basin an increasing discrepancy between surplus and lack of sediment can be observed. This leads to an increase
DriDanube project Kick-off Event
DRIDANUBE PROJECT KICK-OFF EVENT The Kick-off event of Drought Risk in the Danube Region (DriDanube) project will take place on 16 March 2017 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The main outputs and expected results
JOINTISZA Kick-off event
JOINTISZA KICK-OFF EVENT JOINTISZA Kick-off event Dear Madam/Sir, The JOINTISZA project has the pleasure to invite you to its Kick-off event – OPEN DOORS session. The launching event of
11TH PA5 STEERING GROUP MEETING IN BUDAPEST Mr JOÓ in his welcome speech introduced Mr Károly GOMBÁS and Mr Balázs HORVÁTH as the new Hungarian PA5 and PA4 priority
Danube Strategic Project Fund – new opportunity of EUSDR for funding
DANUBE STRATEGIC PROJECT FUND – NEW OPPORTUNITY OF EUSDR FOR FUNDING Danube Strategic Project Fund – new opportunity of EUSDR for funding The Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF) is a
Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) Lead Applicants Seminar for the 2nd call for proposals
DANUBE TRANSNATIONAL PROGRAMME (DTP) LEAD APPLICANTS SEMINAR FOR THE 2ND CALL FOR PROPOSALS The Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) organises in Budapest on 9th February 2017 a Lead Applicants Seminar for the 2nd call
European Commission first report on EU macro-regional strategies
EUROPEAN COMMISSION FIRST REPORT ON EU MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES The European Commission adopted the first ever single report on the implementation of the four existing European Union (EU) macro-regional strategies: the