STAKEHOLDER SEMINAR SUMMARY – 19-20 NOVEMBER 2015 The Hungarian leadership of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Water Quality and Environmental Risks Priority Areas held its Second Stakeholder
EUSDR flood protection training program in Bosnia and Herzegovina
EUSDR FLOOD PROTECTION TRAINING PROGRAM IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Between the 9th and 12th of June 2015 a flood protection training program organized by the Hungarian co-ordination of Priority Area
START and TAF DRP 2015 – Launch Calls
START AND TAF DRP 2015 – LAUNCH CALLS The 2nd Call for project proposals for START – Danube Region Project Fund and the 3rd Call for Technical Assistance Facility for
EWA Spring Days 2015 – Budapest Water Conference between 4-6 March 2015
EWA SPRING DAYS 2015 – BUDAPEST WATER CONFERENCE BETWEEN 4-6 MARCH 2015 In the framework of the European Water Association’s (EWA) Spring Conference series Budapest will host the event; Budapest
Meeting with experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Hungary
MEETING WITH EXPERTS FROM BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA IN HUNGARY A delegation of five from Bosnia and Herzegovina visited Hungary on the first two days of December. The experts and representatives
Steering Group meeting in Bucharest
STEERING GROUP MEETING IN BUCHAREST The Priority Area 5, responsible for managing environmental risks held its 8th Steering Group meeting in Bucharest, Romania at the 27th of November 2014. After
Flood Survey in Bosnia and Herzegovina
FLOOD SURVEY IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA On 19th September 2014. the delegation of PA 5 (Joó István, Ministerial Commissioner; dr. László Dobi, PA5 coordinator; László Kóthay, senior advisor) has visited
Life + 2012 Call for proposals is now published
LIFE + 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS IS NOW PUBLISHED The LIFE+ 2012 call for proposals has been published. The following themes are covered by this announcement: LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity