Project Acronym: DRP-PAC-PA5
The objective of the project to support the continuous coordination of the Priority Area 5 (PA5) “Management of Environmental Risks”: to facilitate a stable, effective and innovative governance system for the PA in order to enhance cooperation in the field of flood management and climate change in the Danube Basin to ensure the implementation of the EUSDR by ensuring the smooth actuation of PA5 with special regard to ongoing and current processes. It helps to implement the targets of the Environmental Risks Priority Area (PA5), helps the PACs to support and generate projects that would implement the milestones of the PA5 Action Plan and the measures of the Danube Region Flood Management and Cooperation Program (DR Oper & Cooper).
Challenges addressed by the project:
- The project supports the sustainability of improved governance of the PA5 securing staff and covering related costs for co-coordinating countries.
- realising the regulations of the Floodrisk Directive (2007/60/EC) and the related elements of the WFD (2000/60/EC) in the Danube Basin.
- also realising the Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
- to strengthen international and institutional cooperation in the field of flood protection, climate change adaptation, and accidental river pollutions in the region.
- improving and consolidating the management of the PA, leading to increased project generation and higher stakeholder involvement in the implementation of the strategy.
- supporting the harmonisation of policies and planning processes.
- discovering transnational challenges and finding common solutions on a macroregional level.
- facilitating the realisation of solidarity principle in the watershed with the involvement of non-EU countries, but evident on an upstream-downstream relation as well.
The PA’s Steering Group (SG) consisting of the Steering Group Members from each Danube Region
country is the platform to form and implement together the programme of PA5, such as the
objectives, activities and measures in order to reduce floods and environmental risks in the Region.
All SG Members meet twice a year at the SG Meetings (organized by the HU and RO co-coordination
in turns). This forum provides the opportunity to the Member States to express and exchange views
regarding the latest, ongoing and planned activities of the PA, discuss strategic and operational
issues and to develop, share or support new project ideas.
The Disaster Management Working Group invites members from the countries of the Danube Region
from the field of disaster management. Through the DM WG PA5 intends to reach the professional
and volunteer responders. The set-up of the DM WG network and the implementation of its main
objectives and activities will continue in this project.
There is close and well-established cooperation with the ICPDR
Secretariat and its Flood Protection Expert Group, Accident Precention and Control Expert Group and
its Danube River Basin Management activities. Action 1 of PA5 is connected to ICPDR, thus the
strong link between the two bodies is essential during the implementation of the common tasks. PA5
participates and provides information on the progress and plans of the PA at the relevant meetings of
the ICPDR. Similarly, we invite ICPDR to our SG Meetings and other conferences where ICPDR can
have an interest.
Project duration: 2023-2029 (72 months)
Lead partner: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (HU)
Project Partners: Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (RO) and ICPDR (associated strategic partner)
Project total budget: 750,000.00 €