On August 25-26, Friday and Saturday, the I. Danube Rope Rescue Contest took place. The participating eight teams tested their skills at four different locations. During the competition, eight teams, including one composed entirely of women, faced challenges at four different venues: the Budapest Ferris Wheel, the Róka-hegy Quarry, a residential building on Corvin Promenade, and a course set up on the Bem Quay by the Danube River.

The participants were professional firefighters, industrial, urban, or natural environment rope rescue specialists, industrial climbers, and tree care professionals. The judges evaluated the tasks based on multiple criteria, including tactics, control, execution, use of equipment and tools, organization, handling of the simulated casualties, external and internal communication, and even the general behaviour of the teams – all contributing to the final score to varying extents.

The inaugural Hungarian rope rescue competition was won by team VIII., professional firefighters from the VIII. District of the Budapest Capital Fire Department. Their leader, András Csiszár, was also recognized as the best team leader. The second place went to the Mohács Special Rescuers team, who also received the award for the best healthcare provider team. The third spot on the imaginary podium was claimed by the team called “Kispest Firefighters,” and they were also voted as the most cheerful team. The fourth place was achieved by the “Mentés Másként” team from Tiszaújváros, followed by the “Atom” team from Paks in fifth place. The Budapest Alpin Team secured the sixth position, ahead of the “Budavári Firefighters.” Although the women’s team performed admirably, they ended up in eighth place, but they won the award for the most creative team name with “ResCuties.”

The organizers’ not-so-hidden goal was to gather professionals from various branches of rope rescue techniques in one place. The aim was for them to compete in a cheerful and friendly environment, where they could measure their skills, exchange experiences, and build connections. The organization of the competition is a prime example of collaboration and high-quality professional work, achieved through the cooperation of professional, voluntary, and civilian organizations in the field.

The organizer team of the I. Danube Rope Rescue Contest: Alpindustry wrs Kft., Alpin School Kft., Alpinvilág Oktatóközpont Kft., Budapest Firefighter Association, BW Alpintechika Kft., VIII. District Fire Station, Hexa-Alpin Kft., HUNOR Hivatásos Mentőszervezet, MAGOR NGO Association for Disaster Response, Hungarian Cave Rescue Organization, Paw in Hands NGO, RSC Rescue Hungary Alapítvány Kft.

The Closing Ceremony of the I. Danube Rope Rescue Contest was supported by the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Environmental Risks Priority Area, as the theme of the event reflects the Action Plan of the priority area and the objectives of its Disaster Management Working Group. The organizers are engaged in the continuation of this event and to organize again the rope rescue contest next year. The I. Danube Rope Rescue Contest was also greatly supported by Hungary Helps programme, among other organizations, such as Petzl, Fercom Kft., Gránit Design Kft., Juhász Tűzvédelem Kft., ENZO Transcar, Budapest Capital, Budapest Rescue Union.

The Hungarian Disaster Management was the patron of the event and contributed by providing a location for registration and logistical equipment. During the closing ceremony on Saturday evening, Chief Fire Brigadier Krisztián Erdélyi, Deputy Director-General of Operations of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, presented the awards and congratulated the competitors. The brigadier primarily thanked the organizers for their excellent work and commended the teams for their diligent preparation. He emphasized that when someone is in trouble, it doesn’t matter where the help comes from or who provides it, as long as the assistance is professional. Just as much as the participants of the first Hungarian rope rescue competition showed – added the brigadier.
Have a look at the short video of this great event here!
(Source: www.katasztrofavedelem.hu, Pictures source: Budapest Rope)