Droughts can cause forest fires or food and water shortages. When it rains heavily on the dried soil, floods can occur, making shortages worse or triggering the outbreak of diseases. Risks don’t come in the singular. They are interconnected. They can trigger or amplify each other. In today’s world, nature, health, and the economy rely on each other. Being able to anticipate how risks interact is essential in preventing and mitigating disasters.


MYRIAD-EU’s mission is to catalyse a paradigm shift in how risks are currently assessed and managed. Instead of addressing risks and hazards one by one, leading scientists from across Europe will co-develop the first harmonised framework for multi-hazard, multi-sector, and systemic risk management. The interlinkages between the different hazards and economic sectors will be studied in 5 pilots.


MYRIAD-EU is set to change the way disaster risks are managed. Through its systemic and forward-looking approach, the project will offer new ways to assess trade-offs and synergies between economic sectors, hazards and their scales. EU policymakers, decision-makers, and practitioners will receive new tools and solutions to reduce and manage risks in their regions more effectively.


To ensure that MYRIAD-EU delivers actionable results, we will work closely with representatives from the economic sector we study. They are consulted at every stage of the project. This way, we unite the scientific and business communities to fully comprehend the interlinkages between different hazards and economic sectors.


Project budget: 4 999 802,50 EUR (Horizon 2020)


Project partner countries: United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Austria, Norway, Spain, Romania, Belgium