If you would like to request a Letter of Recommendation or a Letter of Merit from EUSDR PA5 please read before the selection criteria and our LoR Leaflet with general information and send the filled template of the project description form to addressing the Priority Area coordinators.


Please keep in mind, according to the Rules of Procedure the Steering Group have 15 working days for make any comments, therefore the applications should arrive at least 15 working days before the deadline.


You can find below the projects which already received a Letter of Recommendation or a Letter of Merit following the positive decision of the EUSDR PA5 Steering Group in each year.



Letter of Merit: 

  1. Reducing risks by improving ground support of aerial firefighting – 06/03/2025


Letter of Recommendation:

  1. Enhancing Climate Data Cooperation for Evidence-based Adaptation Policy Making in the Danube Region (Danube-ADAPT) – 11/03/2024
  2. Horizon Ocean Mission for Enhanced Community-led Innovations in the Danube River Basin (HOME-DANUBE) – 28/08/2024
  3. Preparedness and Resilience Enhancing Partnership for Addressing Regional Emergencies and Disasters (PREPARED) – 27/11/2024

Letter of Merit: 

  1. StrengThening Organizations in the Protection against FIRES (STOP FIRES) – 31/07/2024


Letter of Recommendation: 

  1. Transformation of waste water management for climate neutral rural areas – 08/01/2023
  2. 1st Danube Rope Rescue Contest – 30/01/2023
  3. RISKHUB II – 02/05/2023
  4. BeReady – 14/06/2023
  5. Border Cooperation for Disaster Response – 17/08/2023
  6. Collaboration for Better Preparedness and Effective Cross-Border Disaster Prevention (SAFE PREP) – 06/12/2023

Letter of Merit:

  1. PLOTO – 04/07/2023
  2. NBS4LOCAL – 17/07/2023
  3. DIRECTED – 10/11/2023



Letter of Recommendation:

  1. Developing resilience against extreme weather threats at local level in Central Europe (LOCALIENCE) – 01/02/2022
  2. Danube River Basin Lighthouse – Support Facility (DanubeLight) – 08/04/2022
  3. Integrated Disaster Management Network in the Danube Region (InDiMaND) –  06/06/2022
  4. MISSION4PANNON – 23/09/2022.
  5. Large scale demonstrations of active and passive restoration of WETlands and floodplains in DaNUBE river basin (WETNUBE) – 23/09/2022.
  6. Restoration of Urban/Periurban Riversides (RESTORIVER) – 03/10/2022.
  7. Coordinated prevention and disaster management activities for Tailing Management Facilities by authorities, municipalities and other stakeholders to reduce transnational risks and hazards (SAFETY4TMF) – 18/11/2022.
  8. Improving urban climate change adaptation capacities by testing and promoting the ‘sponge city’ methodology on transnational level (SpongeCity) – 21/11/2022.

Letter of Merit

  1. Multi-hazard and sYstemic framework for enhancing Risk-Informed mAnagement and Decisionmaking in the E.U. (MYRIAD-EU) – 08/07/2022



Letter of Recommendation

  1. Carpathian wetlands as nature-based solution for climate change mitigation (CARPWET) – 15/01/2021
  2. Enabling rapid and far-reaching positive change for a climate-resilient community system: framework comprising INNOvation PACKages to reactivate European regions and communities (INNOPACK) – 21/01/2021
  3. Development of a real-time, high-resolution geomonitoring system and methodology to support water management decisions – 21/07/2021
  4. Preparedness for climate change related risks in the Western-Balkan region II. (PREP-R II.) – 16/12/2021

Letter of Merit

  1. Upgrade and development of flood alarm and forecast model of MURA (ForMURA) – 02/03/2021
  2. Natural-based solution to mitigate flood risk due to SAND BOILS reactivations along the Po River (LIFE SandBoil) – 30/04/2021



Letter of Recommendation

  1. Ready Danube (INTERREG DTP) – 02/01/2020
  2. Developing and upgrading the joint Hungarian-Ukrainian hydrographic telemetering system to improve water quality monitoring in the Upper-Tisza River Basin (HUSKROUA ENPI CBC) – 21/02/2020
  3. Prep-R Preparedness for climate change related risks in Western Balkan region (Western Balkan Green Fund HU) – 27/03/2020
  4. PRECEPT – Prepare responders for epidemics by crisis and emergency procedures training (Central European Institute Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020) – 09/04/2020
  5. DiMaND – Disaster Management Network in the Danube Region (UCPM-2020-KN-AG) – 12/06/2020
  6. Development of innovative, real-time, high-resolution environmental geomonitoring system and methodology to support digital water management and decision making on damage prevention (Central Budget of Hungary 2020) – 23/06/2020
  7. WALL-E – Improving first responders aWAreness, Localization and Liaison during Emergencies involving indoor spaces (Horizon2020) 27/08/2020
  8. ETAT – Emergency Tactical Air Transport (Horizon2020) – 27/08/2020
  9. LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS “Integrated application of innovative water management methods at river basin by coordination of local governments” – 30/09/2020
  10. Joint preparedness activities for climate change related risks in Hungary and Slovakia (International Visegrad Fund) – 07/10/2020
  11. Strategic document and research for climate change and water industry investments in Tuzla Canton (Bosnia-Herzegovina) – 01/12/2020

Letter of Merit

  1. DIKEINSPECT – Complex flood-control strategy on the Upper-Tisza catchment area (HUSKROUA ENPI CBC)- 02/04/2020
  2. LIFE-MICACC – Municipalities as integrators and coordinators in adaptation of climate change (LIFE Programme) – 05/05/2020
  3. WACOM – Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin 20/11/2020
  4. SafeForest – Improving Floodplain Forest Management along the Danube in the HU-SRB CBC area  – 11/12/2020



Letter of Recommendation

  1. iPROVE (DG ECHO) – 19/12/2019
  2. Strengthening cooperation in disaster risk reduction of water rescue units in Upper-Tisa Region (International Visegrad Fund) – 30/01/2019
  3. LAREDAR (INTERREG DTP) – LAkes and REservoirs in the DAnube River Basin – 21/01/2019
  4. MUNICIP-AID (INTERREG DTP) – Multi-national Initiative for Civil Protection Actions in Danube Region – 06/03/2019
  5. PROFOUND (DG ECHO) – Procedures of Rescue Organizations in Flood Operations Unified in the Danube Region – 30/04/2019
  6. CONCERT (Horizon 2020) – Coordination Optimisation for Networked Crisis and Emergency Response Teams – 20/08/2019
  7. RISKHUB (INTERREG SKHU CBC) – reducing Risks by Improving Interoperability between Slovakia and Hungary for Better Preparedness – 16/12/2019
  8. WILDFIRE – Joint preparedness activities for wildfires in Komarom-Komarno region (International Visegrad Fund) – 19/12/2019



Letter of Recommendation

  1. EARTH (INTERREG Central Europe) – Ecological Drought Management Challanges in the Danube Region – 23/01/2018

Letter of Merit

  1. CAMARO-D (Interreg Danube Transnational Programme) – Cooperating towards Advanced MAnagement ROutiones for land use impacts on the water regime in the Danube river basin – 22/06/2018
  2. DAREnet (Horizon 2020) – Danube River Region Resilience Exchange Network – 25/05/2018



Letter of Recommendation

  1. SAFETISZA – Strengthening of cross-border safety by joint activities aimed at flood and inland water prevention in the interfluves of Tisza-Tur rivers (Batar system) – 17/10/2017
  2. HUSKROUA ENPI CBC – Developing and upgrading the joint Hungarian-Ukrainian hydrographic telemetering system to improve water quality monitoring in the Upper Tisza River Basin – 08/11/2017
  3. DANIELA (HU-SK CBC) – Sustainable Floodplain Management of the Danube Inland Delta – 19/06/2017
  4. DAREFFORT (Interreg DTP) – Danube River basin Enhanced Flood FOrecasting cooperation – 19/06/2017
  5. FloodUZH (HUSKROUA ENPI CBC) – Joint activities for the prevention of natural disasters in the transboundary Uzh river basin – 05/09/2017
  6. InterFloodCourse (DSPF) – International Postgraduate Course of Flood Management – 19/06/2017
  7. REVITAL I – Environmental Assessment for Natural Resources Revitalization in Solotvyno through the preparation of a complex monitoring system – 05/09/2017
  8. WateratRisk (HU-SRB CBC) – Improvement of drought and excess water monitoring for supporting water management and mitigation of risks related to extreme weather conditions – 22/02/2021



Letter of Recommendation

  1. DriDanube (Interreg DTP) – Drought Risk in the Danube region – 29/02/2016
  2. DAMWARM (Interreg DTP) – Drava and Mura Water and Risk Management – 18/04/2016
  3. RaabFlood4cast (AT-HU CBC) – Extension and improvement of the Raba flood forecasting system – 18/04/2016
  4. SEDDON-II (AT-HU CBC) – Sediment Research and Management at the Danube River II – 18/04/2016
  5. PLATFORM (AT-HU CBC) – Proactive Lajta/Leitha Flood Risk Management – 18/04/2016
  6. EastAvert (RO-MD-UA ENI CBC) – From agreed water management through green infrastructure to sustainable regional development in transfrontier river basin – 18/04/2016



Letter of Recommendation

  1. DANUBECLIM – Climate of the Danube Region – 15/02/2014



Letter of Recommendation

  1. DREAM (AT-SK CBC) – Danube River Research And Management – 30/05/2013
  2. HU-UA Flood Protection – Common Hungarian-Ukrainian flood protection development programme on the Upper Tisza – 30/05/2013



Letter of Support

  1. DanubeFloodplain (Interreg DTP)

Letter of Recommendation

  1. WACOSS – Water Pollution Contingency Management Plan for the Sava River Basin – 03/07/2012
  2. Sava FRMP – Flood Risk Management Plan for the Sava River Basin – 03/07/2012
  3. SOFTWARE – Sustainable Operational Flood Forecasting in Real-Time and Water Resources Management – 03/07/2012
  4. HYDROFOR – Systems of optimal forest management for enhancing the hydrological role of forests in preventing the floods in Bodrog river catchment – 27/03/2012