Technical Assistance Facility for the Danube Region Projects (TAF-DRP) was implemented by EUSDR PA10 at the periode of 2014-2016 through 3 Calls for proposals.
Very often, many project ideas never turn into concrete projects, due to the lack of capacity, know-how and resources for preparing such projects, as well as the existence of legal, technical or financial obstacles.
The TAF-DRP was an EU grant scheme to develop project ideas relevant to the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, into “bankable/fundable” project concepts. Bankable/fundable projects are mature enough to either apply for funding from donors (private, public) and/or to EU programmes, and/or to start implementation with own resources.
The Facility supported project ideas to set up a clear pathway towards project implementation, through the provision of consultant services.
Consultant services were provided free of charge to selected project Applicants, up to a value of € 25,000 incl. VAT and for a duration of maximum 6 months.
From the side of EUSDR PA5 two project initiations were selected for funding within the 3 TAF-DRP Calls: Danube Floodplain at the 2nd Call and O+D during the 3rd Call.