The aim of the RISKHUB II project is to reduce risks through the development of interoperability
between Slovenia and Hungary, improving disaster preparedness and response to climate changerelated risks in the Hungarian-Slovenian border towns by improving cooperation between volunteer
fire departments and ensuring a sustainable, harmonized preparedness program. Cross-border
cooperation is essential to achieve project goals, as disasters and climate change impacts know no
borders. Border communities and volunteer fire departments must effectively collaborate and act
collectively to face and manage these challenges. The RISKHUB II project enables the sharing of best
practices, exchange of experiences and knowledge, as well as the development and implementation
of common strategies for more effective risk management. Collaboration serves the safety of people
on both sides of the border and helps sustainably develop border areas.


Strategic planning ensures that the project achieves long-term goals, enabling border communities to
achieve sustainable development and more effective emergency preparedness. The study on
increasing the cooperation and efficiency of Hungarian and Slovenian non-profit rescue
organizations helps develop the project’s professional foundations and specific proposals to
increase collaboration and efficiency between volunteer fire departments. The study supports
communication between volunteer fire departments and other participants, harmonization of
different preparedness programs and practices, as well as more efficient and effective collaboration.


Capacity building is essential to achieve development. As part of this, e-learning and mobile
application development, as well as the procurement of specialized equipment, will be carried out.
The development of e-learning enables project participants to develop sustainable, harmonized
preparedness programs and effectively implement them, thus helping to achieve more effective and
stronger emergency response in border regions. The event management mobile application
contributes to the success of the project by enabling more efficient and faster communication.
The specialized trailers equipped with firefighting and rescue equipment, as well as flood protection
tools, make a significant contribution to the success of the project, as they offer a flexible and mobile
solution for emergency management. The vehicle is easily movable and quickly accessible in border
areas, allowing for a more effective and rapid response to disasters, which is crucial in emergency
management and risk reduction.


To increase the level of preparedness and efficiency of interventions, a harmonized training program
is being introduced, including training for trainers, systematic training, and joint exercises. At the
operational level of the project, this cooperation leads to the development of more efficient and
harmonized firefighting and rescue forces, resulting in more effective and stronger emergency
response capabilities.


Community development and information sharing enable the communication of project results and
progress to local communities and facilitate relationships between volunteer fire departments, other
stakeholders, and local governments. Additionally, it enables the recruitment and involvement of
volunteers in the project, contributing to its effectiveness and success.


Total budget/expenditure: EUR 789 704.60

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 498 527.68

Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 84.84%

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 498 527.68. Co-financing rate, 84.84%.
  • Others: Amount, EUR 202 102.00.