StrengThening Organizations in the Protection against FIRES


Climate change has increased forest fire risk across Europe and it’s expected to have a strong impact on forest fire regimes in Europe, including Programme area, so additional adaptation measures are needed as fires cause severe damage to the environment as well as economic and individual assets. Project objective is to increase environmental resilience to climate change and risk prevention through improved fire disaster management, emergency preparedness and awareness raising of vulnerable natural areas in CB region.

Project has 3 outcomes:

  1. Managed project with completed communication activities,
  2. Capacity building for timely, appropriate and effective intervention,
  3. Raised public awareness and improved knowledge in the field of adaptation to climate change and risk prevention.


Activities involve: Project management, Communication, Joint development of CB fire emergency plan, Organization of joint training, Development of integrated CB system for monitoring/early detection, Procurement of firefighting/ITC equipment, Creation of prerequisites for the improvement of the fire protection infrastructure, CB fire risk awareness raising campaign, Education of schoolchildren. The project will be implemented in Csongrád-Csanád County and North Bačka District in period of 24 months. Main target group includes firefighters and emergency responders, volunteers from voluntary fire brigades and employees of forest manage partner organizations, moreover, key actors and policy makers at the local, regional and national level, representatives of local communities, recreation and tourism Industry, landowners, property managers, agriculturalists, general public and schoolchildren.


The project envisages 5 outputs: 1 pilot action developed jointly and implemented in project, EUR 1,118,529 investments in new disaster monitoring, preparedness, warning and response systems against natural disasters, 1000 persons educated about climate change adaptation and risk prevention, 4 public events across borders jointly organised, 4 organisations cooperating across borders.


Approximate total project budget (in EUR): 1 638 967,68 EUR


  • EU contribution: 1 393 122,52 EUR (Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme)
  • Own contribution: 245 845,16 EUR


Project partner countries: Hungary, Serbia