15TH STEERING GROUP MEETING OF EUSDR PA5 The Steering Group meeting concentrated on discussing and sharing the latest activities of PA5 with the SG members and observers of the priority area.
DriDanube Final Conference – Danube Drought Conference
Nowadays, drought is still not getting enough attention at different levels in the region (political, operational, general public etc.) and is still considered to be a rare phenomenon. Recent droughts
The 8th Edition of the Annual Forum of EUSDR
THE 8TH EDITION OF THE ANNUAL FORUM OF EUSDR The 8th Annual Forum will cover topics of particular importance for the Danube region: connectivity and regional mobility, economy, ICT, environment, tourism,
RAINMAN Mid-Term Conference
RAINMAN MID-TERM CONFERENCE The Risks of heavy rain events are increasing all over Central Europe. The project’s main objective is to improve integrated management capacities of public authorities to mitigate
DAREnet First Annual Practitioner Forum in Budapest
DARENET FIRST ANNUAL PRACTITIONER FORUM IN BUDAPEST DAREnet stands for “DAnube river region Resilience Exchange Network” and is a practitioner network which aims to strengthen flood resilience in the EU
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Call is open
INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE CALL IS OPEN The partnerships will roll out promising project outputs and results of already funded Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects at the regional and local level, or
Call for Proposals of Union Civil Protection Mechanism Funds
CALL FOR PROPOSALS OF UNION CIVIL PROTECTION MECHANISM FUNDS Natural and man-made disasters can occur at any moment in time. They can cause not only economic and environmental damage, but
Training – Cost Benefit Analysis for Urban Climate Adaptation
TRAINING – COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS FOR URBAN CLIMATE ADAPTIONTA The Cities Learning Platform launched in 2018 by EIT Climate-KIC empowers cities in improving and better integrating their climate planning with