EFAS version 4.4 release

EFAS version 4.4 release

A minor release of the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS), EFAS version 4.4, is now launched operationally and will be will be valid from the 12:UTC run.   EFAS v4.4

EFAS Bulletin April-May 2022

EFAS Bulletin April-May 2022

The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) bulletin for February – March 2022 is now published on the EFAS website: https://www.efas.eu/en/bulletins.     The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) produces European overviews

News from RISKHUB project

News from RISKHUB project

  As part of the two-year RISKHUB project led by experts from the Budapest Firefighters Association, joint training and education sessions, the development of materials for distance learning and a