On 24-25 February 2021, a workshop was organized on Preparedness Practices within the framework of the DiMaND and PROFOUND projects. One of the aims of the workshop was to help
Horizon Europe calls related to EUSDR PA 5
Under Pillar II of Horizon Europe, several new calls were made available at EuroAccess. EuroAccess is a search tool to support the use of existing funding opportunities to improve economic,
ForMURA project kick-off meeting
The online opening conference of the ForMURA project was organized by the Croatian partner Hrvatske Vode with the cooperation of the West-transdanubian Water Directorate on 24 June 2021. The
Approaching the demonstration period of the TAMIR project
The TAMIR project develops tools and services to provide impact forecasts of flash floods on the PanEuropean scale and multi-hazard nowcasts for convective storms at a regional level for the
Preparedness and response activities in the Danube Region
In the frame of the 4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management (22-24 June 2021)the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Environmental Risks Priority area is going to be organize